Tag Archives: #happinessishomemade

Growth. 🌙

In every way I am growing. As a person , as a women , as a mother , as a lover & a friend. I have grown into someone I never thought I’d know. Someone I like! I like myself, within myself, I love her. WOW, fuck. I love myself. IMAGINE THAT. I said it, I am not taking it back nor letting ANYONE take it from me again. I WILL be selfish, so I’m not sorry, just In advance because it’s time for me to be happy now. & NOT feel bad about it.

My world crumbled, it’s been broken; but I found the pieces, added some super glue & I am me. New and improved. New support system, real friends, my family has never been so strong. I caught my break.

I’ve never been one to care about other opinions, so me saying; I don’t care what other people think isn’t really valid. But I have always put others first, before myself. Even before being a mom; for people I really shouldn’t have. So when I say I don’t care about what anyone else thinks, I mean I don’t care if people get hurt, or hate me for finally PUTTING MYSELF FIRST. People like to assume, that’s something I will never argue about because I’m going to sound as stupid as the person assuming shit; just really isn’t worth it too me ya know ?

I am leaving the negativity, the abuse I have endured, all of the ugly I have seen, heard & been put through, all of the lies & broken promises behind me; for good. Everything happens for a reason; I’ll forever believe that.

Have patience; I promise there is light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t be afraid of growth; and the change that comes with it.

– S